AG Health Economy
Questions that include economic aspects of health care in the analysis are an important field in health services research. For these questions, approaches and methods of health economics are available to health services research. Health economics generally deals with questions of resource allocation under the conditions of limited resources. Which health economic concepts and methods are relevant for health services research ultimately depends on the research objectives, perspective/addressee, and the resulting questions.
The WG’s aim is to provide support in this area of opportunity and to discuss the various concepts as well as methods in the application context of health services research. Furthermore, the WG wants to raise awareness among all researchers that health economics can make a valuable contribution to answer urgent research desiderata through its broad spectrum of methods beyond the classical health economic evaluation (e.g. besides cost-effectiveness or cost-utility analyses), e.g. by eliciting preferences, pre-modeling health economic effects or the use of qualitative methods.
- Continous support of the DNVF-Spring School by offering beginner and in-depth methodological modules
- Development of position, discussion and method papers
- Further development of the DNVF memoranda
Elaboration of methodological approaches to the study of health economic aspects in the development and evaluation of complex interventions.