AG Methods and concepts of health care planning
Date of foundation
The AG was constituted at the 16th German Conference on Health Care Research in October 2017.
Targets and tasks
The aim of the working group is to promote the scientific dialogue on the topic of demand planning and to develop or discuss new methods and concepts of demand planning. The current main topics are, for example, the recording of the supply requirements of a population, the analysis of the spatial layout of the planning regions and the consideration of changes in supply requirements and in the range of services offered.
Main areas of work
The AG was constituted at the 17th and 18th German Conference of Health Care Research (DKVF). The Working Group Meetings were held in the forms of a short lecture series by a representative of the LMU, representatives of the German Council of Experts for the Development of the Health Care System (Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der Entwicklung des Gesundheitswesens), the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance (Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung) and the University Medical Center Greifswald, followed by a discussion round. Based on the results of the expert report on the further development of demand planning, which was commissioned by the GBA and approved in September 2018, the 17th DKVF focused on the instruments of demand planning, the challenges from the perspective of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and the assessment of care requirements. In addition, a contribution on the determination of spatial analysis of demand for care from Austria was presented. The focus of the event at the 18th DKVF was the demand planning reform of the GBA, which came into force on 30.06.2019. Dr. Schliwen from the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance presented the key points of the reform of the Demand Planning Directive at the end of June 2019 and showed which points from the scientific report were included.
The subsequent meeting, which focused on the future structure of the AG, was scheduled for the first half of 2020. Due to the current situation of the Corona virus pandemic , this meeting will probably not be able to take place until autumn 2020.
Speaker and assistant speakers