AG Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO)
Brief description
Patient-reported outcome (PRO) is a collective term for measures based on patient assessments. These include psychosocial constructs such as quality of life, patient preferences, patient satisfaction or perceived disease symptoms.
The interdisciplinary approach of health services research with its wide range of tasks and PRO research with its models and methods offer excellent potential for synergies. The integration of PRO measures into health services research promises to stimulate the discussion about the goals of health care and the values in our health care system in a constructive, critical and sustainable way.
The working group Patient-Reported Outcome (AG PRO) has set itself the task of representing the topic of PRO in health services research through publications, events and consulting services.
Main areas of work
The AG PRO has regularly participated in all Spring Schools. Two courses (basic and advanced) with 5 teaching units each are being offered. Participation in the Adhoc Commission Procedure for the development, coordination and publication of memoranda and position papers as well as discussion papers of the German Network Health Services Research e. V. (DNVF) and the memorandum of the DNVF expert group "Health Services Research in Oncology". As one of the first working groups so far, the AG PRO offers methodological advice to members of the DNVF (WH: das macht doch auch die AG qualitative Methoden schon länger – oder ?). The consultation primarily relates to the selection of suitable questionnaires for PROM endpoints in health services research studies. In the course of the consultation process, however, fundamental questions such as study design and feasibility of the study are often discussed. The PROQOLID database of the Mapi Institute in Lyon, which is the most comprehensive collection of psychosocial measurement instruments, is a valuable tool for counselling. To date, we can record about 20 consultations, which related to very different clinical issues and disciplines, such as oncology, obesity, stroke, orthopaedics or self-management
Update of the Memorandum on Quality of Life.