AG Promotion of junior scientists
Brief description
Fortunately, healthcare research is becoming increasingly important in Germany. Against the background of limited resources and the simultaneous demand for quality and transparency in health care, the interest in results from studies of the health care situation, which adopt high methodological quality is growing. Consequently, there is a growing need for qualified and committed young scientists , doctoral candidates and post-docs in order to meet the expectations of health policy and practice to be able to meet the demands of health services research in the future.
The working group for the promotion of young researchers has set itself the goal of initiating targeted activities within the DNVF to promote young researchers. One of the AG’s main tasks is the conception and organization of special workshops geared to young researchers and of pre-conference seminars offered as part of the annual German Conference for Health Services Research (DKVF). Networking of scientists within the DKVF and beyond is also supported. Special seminars are offered at the DNVF Spring School. Furthermore, the AG is committed to the ongoing promotion of conference scholarships and poster awards.
The working group is open for all DNVF members and external colleagues seeking a scientific career in the field of health services research. Interested colleagues can contact the AG's spokespersons (see below for contact details) at any time.