FG Skin and Allergies
Brief description
The Specialist Group "Skin and Allergies" (formerly Skin, Vascular Diesease and Allergies) was founded with the main objective to create a common platform for the entire health care research in the fields of skin diseases, vascular diseases and allergology. The exchange and interdisciplinary cooperation of the scientific disciplines as well as the intensified transfer of methods into the clinical community are the main objectives. In the long term, the close cooperation within the framework of this specialist group is intended to achieve an interlocking of research initiatives by enabling a faster exchange of information and methods and improving the initiation and implementation of scientific projects. In addition, the cooperation within the Expert Group shall initiate and promote activities in scientific policy advice for the care of skin diseases and allergies. The department also serves the recruitment and mentoring of young scientists in health care research on skin and allergies, which is urgently needed to cope with the upcoming research tasks.
Joint projects of the expert group members will be initiated within the framework of an annual all-day working meeting, while further training courses for all scientists interested in health services research will be offered at the annual conferences of the German Dermatological Society (DDG), German Society for Vascular Surgery and Vascular Medicine (DGG) and German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI).
In 2020/2012 possible topics of dermatological health care research will be prioritized from the clinicians' and patients' perspectives. A further goal of the FG is the networking with clinical and other associated professional societies: German Dermatological Society (DDG) German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI), Working Group Dermatological Research (ADF), Working Group for Occupational and Environmental Dermatology (ABD).
In addition, further networking within the DNVF is aimed at.