About the Network
The non-profit association "German Network Health Service Research”. (DNVF) was founded May 2, 2006 in Berlin by 26 professional associations, all members of the Standing Commission of the "German National Conference for Health Services Research" (DKVF). (History).
The DNVF is an interdisciplinary network open to all institutions, working groups and scientists concerned with the improvement of health and patient care from the perspectives of science, practice and health policy. The aim of the DNVF is to network health care researchers in the health care system, to bring together science and health care practice and to promote health care research as a field.. The formation of interdisciplinary working groups on multiprofessional topics of health services research, and the implementation of new and better health care are central tasks as well as the promotion of young scientists (mission, vision & values).
The DNVF's networking activities have sustainably strengthened the quality and relevance of health services research. The practice of jointly investigating issues of high practical importance for health care bridges science, practice and health policy (mission, vision & values).
The DNVF is financed by membership fees and income from DNVF events. Since the beginning of 2013, partners from industry and associations in the health sector have been supporting the networks activities as “supporting members”.

The DNVF board is elected every two years and comprises a total of ten members (see figure). If necessary, the board sets up ad hoc commissions to prepare temporary defined tasks such as statements, amendments to the statutes or membership fee regulations.
The DNVF board is supported by the speaker and the members of the working and specialist groups, who, for example, coordinate or prepare statements, memoranda and scientific contributions or lecture activities. The group of university professors for health care and health services research pursues the goal of networking health services research at universities, ensuring a continuous exchange with the academic community.
The DNVF office is the central contact point to the DNVF, where, among other things, the activities of the network are coordinated and the membership data base is managed. The office team currently consists of the managing director, an assistant and a student assistant.

f.l.t.r.: P. Falkai, W. Hoffmann, M. Geraedts, L. Ansmann, N. Pohontsch, M. Härter, J.Köberlein-Neu, H. Vollmar
Not on the picture: K. Dreinhöfer, J. Schmitt