Group of University Teacher
On the initiative of DNVF e.V., the group of university teachers was founded in 2017. The group pursues the goal of networking health services research at universities of applied sciences, colleges and universities, enabling a continuous exchange on the structures in research and teaching and further developing the subject of health services research.
Past and current activities
As part of the DKVF 2017 in Berlin, the group has published a position paper on the situation of health care research at German universities of applied sciences, colleges and universities. You can find the position paper >> here.
The results of an online survey on the situation of health services research at German universities of applied sciences, colleges and universities can be found >>here. First results were presented by Prof. Dr. Nicole Ernstmann at the DKVF 2017 in Berlin. You can find the presentation >> here.
The working group published an analysis of HSR-Master degrees on German universities and institutions of applied sciences whose Open Access publication can be found here. Based on these results, recommendations for a Core Curriculum were created and have been presented on the 20. DKVF 2021.
In line with the agreed positions on the development of the field of health services research, the group will pursue new tasks from 2018 onwards. A first focus will be on the further development and quality assurance of teaching and training in health services research.
Main areas of work
Following a survey of university teachers on the situation of health services research in teaching and research, the group published a position paper based on the results. The demands of the position paper included the further development of the range of courses on offer and the development of a core curriculum as an orientation framework.
The Group has focused on these receivables in the years 2018 and 2019. First of all, the members of the group introduced themselves to the study programmes and contents of the respective study programmes in the course of regular meetings. Subsequently, the characteristics of the study programmes at the Heidelberg, Cologne, Munich, Osnabrück and Lübeck locations were compiled in the form of study profiles and published on the DNVF website. In the next step, the module manuals of the study programmes were analysed to identify similarities and differences in the curricula. A publication on this is currently in the final voting process.
On the basis of this analysis, the next step will be to develop a core curriculum for health services research within the group and to reach consensus on it. Such a core curriculum could ensure that the quality of the course offerings can be maintained in the future. Masters courses of study in health services research are currently being developed at at least three other university locations.
The group currently has the following members:
Holger Pfaff (Köln, Sprecher), Nicole Ernstmann (Bonn, Sprecherin), Attila Altiner (Rostock), Lena Ansmann (Oldenburg), Mattias Augustin (Hamburg), Andreas Büscher (Osnabrück), Reinhard Busse (Berlin), Karsten Dreinhöfer (Berlin), Erik Farin-Glattacker (Freiburg), Michael Freitag (Oldenburg), Max Geraedts (Marburg), Ansgar Gerhardus (Bremen), Eva Grill (München), Kerstin Hämel (Bielefeld), Anita Hausen (München), Wolfram Herrmann (Berlin), Katrin Hertrampf (Kiel), Christine Holmberg (Brandenburg), Falk Hoffmann (Oldenburg), Wolfgang Hoffmann (Greifswald), Andrea Icks (Düsseldorf), Ute Karbach (Dortmund), Monika Klinkhammer-Schalke (Regensburg), Juliane Köberlein-Neu (Wuppertal), Peter Kolominsky-Rabas (Erlangen-Nürnberg), Hans-Helmut König (Hamburg), Frank Krummenauer (Witten), Silke Kuske (Düsseldorf), Thorsten Langer (Lübeck), Gunter Laux (Heidelberg), Rolf Lefering (Witten), Kirsten Minden (Berlin), Edmund Neugebauer (Brandenburg), Albert Nienhaus (Hamburg), Ina Otte (Bochum), Bernd Reuschenbach (München), Steffi Riedel-Heller (Leipzig), Kurt Schmailzl (Brandenburg)l, Jochen Schmitt (Dresden), Jonas Schreyögg (Hamburg), Holger Schulz (Hamburg), Andrea Siebenhofer-Kroitzsch (Frankfurt), Stephanie Stock (Köln), Joachim Szecsenyi (Heidelberg), Horst Christian Vollmar (Bochum), Raymond Voltz (Köln), Michel Wensing (Heidelberg), Karin Wolf-Ostermann (Bremen), Ralph Möhler (Düsseldorf), Dawid Pieper (Rüdersdorf)

Gründungstreffen am 3.2.2017 in Berlin
Studying Health Services Research in Germany
Here you will find an up-to-date overview of the German health care research programs at universities, colleges and universities of applied sciences: